317 research outputs found

    Masyarakat Indonesia Kontemporer dalam Pusaran Komunikasi

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    There are 3 points to discuss the Indonesian contemporary society who lives in reformation order. First is urban society with liberalism perspectives, open and information technology in their hand. Second is structuralist society, who lives and willingness in patron – client/ leadership traits. Third is marginal society with less access to education, health system and powerless. In the development of reformation order, with new perspectives and interpretation, there are some changing in our society, rapidly moved. What implication, also with communication perspectives? Also what is going to happen next , are parts of the discussion in this article

    Sosiologi Komunikasi: Teori, Paradigma dan Diskursus Teknologi Komunikasi di Masyarakat

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    Buku ini berisikan tentang kajian – kajian komunikasi yang membahas mengenai ruang lingkup komunikasi dalam kehidupan dan merupakan perspektif yang sudah lama ada, seperti: Teori, Paradigma, dan Diskursus Teknologo komunikasi di masyarakat. Di indonesia kajian Tentang sosiologi komunikasi baru mendapatkan perhatian serius, kira beberapa tahun yang lalu karena di desak oleh kelahiran berbagai media serta booming teknologi komunikasi yang begitu hebat. Perkembangan teknologi telematika atau komunikasi dalam dalam industri IT yang nyaris melahirkan produk – produk baru setiap harinya, yang menyebabkan revulusi komunikasi adalah sesuatu yang tak terelakan. Mereka ibarat gelombang yang membebtuk tatanan baru yang selalu mengarah dan berdasarkan pada logika teknologi. Persoalan penting dalam sosiologi komunikasi adalah substansi interaksi orang – orang dalam bermasyarakat, termasuk konten interaksi (komunikasi) yang dilakukan langsung atau yang dilakukan lewat media komunikasi, serta semua konsekuensi yang terjadi pada seluruh proses komunikasi tersebut. Adapun yang di bahas di buku ini adalah mengenai filssafat, ruang lingkup, dan konsep sosologi komunikasi; proses komunikasi dalam bermasyarakat; Perkembangan teknologi indonesia dan komunikasi massa; Masyarakat cyber; Paradigma keilmuan dan teori komunikasi; Penelitian komunikasi; masalah masalah sosial dan media massa; dan memuat agenda penting mengenai masa depan sosiologi komunikasi


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    The development of media technology nowadays displays rapid progress, particularly the mainstream media that is developing towards digital media, which makes the social construction power even more flawless. This progress is very beneficial to the development of society, but it can also be used by political interests for control over powers. Against their political opponents, political parties can use this advanced mass media technology to attack and block off counterattacks through social construction or deconstruction. This study uses a narrative qualitative approach and interview method, by interviewing the informants to explore the understanding of the social construction of media in Indonesia and Malaysia, and its practice by Indonesian and Malaysian political parties through the role of mass media

    Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif -1/E.

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    Buku ini disusun sebagai usaha menyajikan aspek penelitian kuantitatif sekaligus nilai pentingnya sebagai salah satu aliran utama dalam metodologi penelitian. Diantara topic utama yang menjadi bahasan buku ini adalah: - Filsafah yang mendasari metode - Karakteristik penelitian kuantitatif yang mencakup lingkup, format, ragam,proses, dan topic penelitian. - Konsep, variable, hipotesisi, desain, instrument, dan pengukuran. - Populasi, sampel dan teknik sampling. - Data, metode pengumpulan, pengolahan, dan analisis data. - Evaluasi hasil penelitian. - Statistic untuk pengolahan hasil penelitian. Komprehensivitas pembahasan serta sistematika penyajian yang runtut dan disertai dengan contoh kasus, memberikan kemudahan kepada para pembaca untuk memahami sekaligus menghubungkan antar lain teori dengan praktik di lapangan

    Reality Construction Brand Destination: Sweet Face of Tourism Destination

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    Brand is not a brand, brand is not just a logo, brand is everything for a product. In the tourism field, the brand is also the same meaning, but the destination brand must be born from the philosophy and values of destination and unique advantages. Brand will give strength to the destination that is represented when the brand gets a good branding process and consistency. Recently, Indonesia's tourism are sometimes irrational and rely only on momentary data, in which case Indonesian positions are still far from expected. As the destination brand, the brand must be built on the correct social construction in the stages of social construction, namely externalization, objectivity-legitimacy and internalization. This paper attempts to elevate the study of destination social constructions with narrative-critical methods, trying to compare them to Wonderful Indonesia, Pesona Indonesia up to Majestic Banyuwangi

    Cyber Community Towards Society 5.0 And The Future Of Social Reality

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    Abstract—In cyber community towards the Society 5.0 era, the use of industrial technology 4.0, especially communication media technology plays an important role. The information era causes digital communication media technology to develop very rapidly and encourage the birth of digital media that have real time capabilities and create new media. Currently mass media institutions that are not innovative are experiencing a fall. Then the existence of the construction of reality is also increasingly obscured by the mixing of life in the real world with the virtual world. Therefore, the study wants to criticize the existence of reality in the midst of the development of communication technology that is so fast. This study uses the interview method in collecting data and analyzing it using the narrative method. The results of this study are that in society 5.0 and industrial technology 4.0, a pseudo social reality constructed by communication technology media causes mass media to die, social harmony is confused and even lost, and hoaxes are attacks on harmony.technological advances in industry 5.0 increase above 70%

    Perspektif Konstruktivisme Sosial dan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terhadap Jenama Destinasi Negara Dalam Kemajuan Industri Pelancongan di Indonesia dan di Malaysia

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    The development and interpretation of a country destination brand has the capacity to boost the tourism industry. The main problems in this study are the branding of tourism destination brand and how the branding development and interpretation attract tourists in deciding their holiday destinations. The research carried out was on the destination brands of Indonesia and Malaysia: Indonesia Ultimate in Diversity, Wonderful Indonesia, Visit Indonesia Year 2008, Malaysia Truly Asia and Visit Malaysia Year 2007. The research was guided by social constructivism perspective and communication marketing strategy. To achieve the research objectives, qualitative approach was employed using interviews, field observations and document analysis. The findings show that the social construction based on values, philosophy, culture, wealth and extra edge of the country destination brand that are easily understood is the foundation in attracting the interest of tourists to choose a certain tourist destination. The findings also show that the social construction of reality towards the country destination is based on the knowledge layers of tourists: technical, economic and symbolic. A strong country destination brand is the outcome of earnest efforts and one which goes beyond the level of social construction of reality: externality, objectivity and internalization. The tourism stake holders with strong commitments and consistently benefiting various mass media and information and communication technology (ICT) in marketing communication strategy are also found to be one of the contributing factors towards the success of the country tourism industry. Thus, the roles of mass media and ICT in developing the tourism destination brand should be taken into account in the social construction towards the country tourism destination branding

    Aktivitas Public Relations Di Mall Ciputra World Surabaya

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    Peningkatan industri pusat perbelanjaan atau mall menjadi salah satu sektor penopang pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Maraknya mall memberikan kesempatan untuk para pelaku bisnis memasarkan produknya dan para konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian secara nyaman, sehingga perputaran ekonomi dapat terdorong. Perkembangan pusat perbelanjaan di Indonesia terjadi di berbagai kota salah satunya di kota Surabaya. Kini kota Surabaya menjadi kota yang memiliki mall terbanyak kedua setelah Jakarta. Salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di Surabaya yang berstandar high class mall adalah Ciputra World Surabaya. Ciputra World Surabaya mengusung sebuah konsep yaitu “The Magnificent World of Lifestyle”, untuk menggambarkan citranya sebagai pusat perbelanjaan yang tidak hanya mengakomodasi aktivitas shopping, melainkan dapat menjadi family mall yang menyajikan kualitas terbaik dalam hiburan, makan, dan rekreasi Dalam mempertahankan citranya tersebut, Ciputra World Surabaya mengandalkan aktivitas public relations yang menjadi salah satu kunci kesuksesan perusahaan. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas public relations yang dilaksanakan oleh mall Ciputra World Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas public relations yang dilakukan oleh mall Ciputra World Surabaya terbagi menjadi tiga jenis yaitu corporate public relations, stakeholder relations dan marketing public relations. Diantara ketiga jenis aktivitas tersebut, yang paling dominan dilaksanakan adalah corporate public relations dan marketing public relations. Sedangkan aktivitas stakeholder relations masih belum banyak dilakukan dan membutuhkan pengembangan kedepannya

    CTH: Communication of Organic Adhocracy Empowerment of MSMEs Large Family

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    This study aimed to understand the organization and communication process of the Cooperative Trading House (CTH) which encouraged micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to be more involved in communication to enhance business opportunities. This research used an interpretive paradigm with the Grounded Method Theory (GMT) approach. The data were collected through interviews and documentation. Researchers conducted interviews with 17 key informants including the head of the main organization, expert staff, owners of MSMEs, and trainers. Then, the data were analyzed by a quasi-qualitative design. The results showed that CTH was an adhocracy with an organic structure configuration; a small organization with a basic structure, but it seemed considerable with nearly 7 million members of MSMEs. Grounded Theory is a non-profit organization such as CTH which can survive and take a strategic role as the head of a large family sustainably by merging into the members' business; involve expert staff, consultants, entrepreneurs, trainers, mentors, and other professionals in the project team; implement empowerment business communication patterns with a spirit of brotherhood, friendship, cooperation to live and nurture, and strengthen each other for the sake of mutual progress; develop ethics of honesty, mutual trust, mutual interest, and fairness in profit sharing. Research findings are discussed in an organizational and communication context. Keywords: Cooperative Trading House, MSMEs, organizational communication DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-2-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    BRAND PERSONAL LEADER: Social Construction Nurdin Basirun, Governor of the Government Riau Islands Province Period 2016-2021

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    Egalitarian leaders in public leadership are the phenomena raised in this study. Nudin Basirun is a phenomenon of egalitarian leaders who are close to the people, serve the community, have attitudes and actions and programs that inspire other leaders in Riau Islands. Thus the style of leadership Nurdin Basirun has become a personal brand for him in leading the Riau Islands, since he became Deputy Regent of Karimun until now the Governor of Riau Islands. This study examines how the community constructs Nurdin Basirun's personal brand image, forms Nurdin Basirun's personal brand image and benefits of the personal brand for public leadership in Riau Islands. Using paradigm postpostivism with qualitative descriptive research methods. In data collection, researchers interviewed 10 informants and in the data analysis researchers used social construction theory as an analytical tool. This study produced research findings; 1) the community constructs Nurdin Basirun's personal brand image as an egalitarian leader with characteristics a) having spritualis, b) being loved by the community, c) being able to motivate the community, d) being a source of inspiration, e) becoming a Malay community icon of Riau Islands. 2) The process of constructing Nurdin Basirun's personal brand image by the Riau Islands community takes place in simultaneous social processes of institutionalization, legitimacy and socialization. The results of this study criticize the results of Rony Setiawan's research, Suryana Sumantri, Tb. Zulrizka Iskandar, Marina Sulastiana, (2015) about the characteristics of egalitarian leadership namely spiritualism, love and community building. The criticism of the study this time complements the characteristics of the egalitarian leader with Nurdin Basirun's special characteristics of having strength; (a) able to motivate the people, (b) be a source of inspiration and (c) become an icon, or a raw modle of society and work programs for city / regency leaders in Riau Islands. Keywords: Public leadership, brand personal, social construction, egalitarian leaders DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-9-10 Publication date:September 30th 202
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